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From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time









2 1916 L

Th£ NiVfc- YORK


TH.»»H F0UHDA1 .




Starting out in life with liss opjjortiiiiity <ir ((iiiipiiH iit tli.iii tin .-ivcrafrc Anur- icaii hoy, liiit I vidciitly jjossessed of an optimism .•uui di lirniiiiatiDii wliicli i iialilcd liiiii t(i triimipii over many adverse situations and discourafrcmi iits, Kdiurt K(himMd Stialiorn lias followed the lead of his o))|)ortnniti(s, doing as best he could any- thing that came to hand, and creating and seizing legitimate .advantages as they have arisen. He has never hesitated to take a forward step when the way was open. I'ortunate in Jjossessing a degree of earnestness and frankness that have inspired confidence in otiiers, the simple weigiit of his eliaraeti-r and aliilitv have earried llini into important relations %vith large intirests and lie is now the i)resi- dent of several important railway and otlier corjiorations with headcjuarters in .•^pokaTic. The North Coast Railroad project especially owes its inception and prosecution to him and is constituting a most important element in business activity tlirougliout the northwest.

.Mr. .Str.iliorn w.as horn in Center county. I'ennsylv.uii.i. M.iy l.j, ]8.V2. The family is of Scotch- Irish origin and the ancestry in Amerii'.a is tr.iced li.iek to the gre.at-grandf.ather of our subject, who in colonial days came from Scotl.aiid to the new world and afterward aided in obtaining American liberty in the Revolutionary w.ar. He continued a resident of Union county, Pennsylvania, until his death and his son .Samuel .Str.ahorn, grandfather of our subject, .also made his honii' in that county. The f.ather, Thomas F. Strahorn, there born .and re.ared, b.iriii d the trades of a millwright and machinist and in 1856 removed from Center count v, Pennsylvania, to I'"ree))ort. Illinois, and nine years later became a resident of .Sedalia, Missouri. In 1878 he crossed tlu' Rockies, following in the foolstips of his sou who h.ad preceded in 1870, .and .after residing for .i time in Idaho and Moiil.iii.i lie lucame .a resident of Los Angeles, California, where he p.assed .aw.iv m 188;i. His wife, who bore the m.aidi n n.iiiie of Hi In cea I'.iiiiiii rt. w.is born in Center county, Pennsylv.ania, ;ind w.as of Dutch line.ige. .i (l.auglit<r of .lohn I'ln- mert, who had come to this country from .Switzerl.and. The death of .Mrs. .Strahorn iieciirred in 1861.

Robert E. .Strahorn sjjcnt the first four years of his life in the state of his nativity and w.is then t.iketi by bis ji.arents to northern Illinois, where the period of his youth was passed in village .and f.arm life where his work w.as of tin- li.rd- cst. His educational privileges were very limited, as he attended school only until ten years of .age. Private reading and study, however, eonst.antly bro.adened his knowledge and the studious li.aliits of his youlli li.iM' ui.ide liiin ,i iii.iii oi «iil'- general inform.ation. In the school of experieiica', too, lie learned m.ariy v.alu.alib' lessons which have jiroven of significant worth in bis adv.anceinent in th<' busi- ness world. In his boyhood days, after bis life on tin- f.arm. In- first sold p.apirs



uii tile streets and tlit-ii began learning the |>rinter'.s trade in Setlalia. Missouri, following that occupation for five years. Subsequent to his removal to Denver, Colorado, in 1870, he was engaged in newspaper work as reporter, editor and correspondent until 1877. During the Sioux war of 1875-6 in Wyoming and Montana, he was \ritli General Crook as special correspondent of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and Denver News, personally participating in the fight- ing in all of the engagements witii tiie Indians, the secretary of war commending him for his gallantry and helpfulness to the government. Moreover, he wrote most interesting accounts of that frontier warfare, which was needed in quelling the Indians in their hostile resentment of the incoming civilization.

While pursuing the journalistic profession Mr. Strahorn became interested in and to some extent identified with the railway business, accomi^anying as corre- sjiondent several surveying parties and also performing publicity work for the Denver & Rio Grande, the Colorado Central and the Union Pacific Railroad Com- panies. This opened up to him the opportunity of entering into active connec- tion with railway interests and he organized and conducted the publicity bureaus of the Union Pacific and Kansas Pacific Companies, during which period, from 1877 until 1881, he resided much of the time in Omaha and in Denver. He was also engaged in a confidential capacity in work relating to the extension of lines for the Union Pacific, this carrying him by stage, horseback and on foot into almost every county of every state and territory west of the Missouri river and brought to him his wide knowledge of the conditions and the opportunities of the west. His next step in the business world brought him into intimate connection with town-site, irrigation and power enterprises in Idaho, Oregon and Washington and when six years had passed in that way he returned to the east, settling in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1890. Through the succeeding eight years he devoted his attention to the negotiation of municipal bonds but since 1898 has perma- nently resided in Spokane, where he again became actively interested in develop- ment projects, his special lines of operation being in connection with the construc- tion and operation of waterworks, power and electric plants and irrigation. Those interests still, claim his attention and energies to a considerable extent and have constituted a significant force in the improvement and upbuilding of the districts in which he has operated. His enterprise and executive ability in recent years have, moreover, brought him into prominence in railway connections as the promo- ter and builder of the North Coast Railroad. He undertook to prosecute that project in the spring of 1905 with the result that in the fall of that year a com- pany was organized and the engineering and construction work has since proceeded steadily. The system is designed to bring Seattle, Tacoma and Portland on the west into direct connection with Walla Walla and Spokane on the east and includes a new short line between Spokane and Walla Walla and another between Spokane and Lewiston, Idaho, and, with its branches, is to have a total length of seven hundred and fifty miles. Throughout practically the whole existence of the com- pany Mr. Strahorn has been its president and active manager. The value of the project is recognized by every business man of this section and its worth as a developing factor of Washington can scarcely be overestimated. In connection with this, Mr. Strahorn has organized the Spokane Union Terminal project which will center five railways in one grand passenger terminal and provide for their concentration along one central zone through the heart of the city, with all surface


or gradf crossiiii^s cliiiiiiiattcl. In workiii); tliis out In- DviTcanif ohstaclcs wliicli in tin- ag}{r»gatf wire almost appallinj;.

The North Coast Railroad project lias soinctiuics been callrd tlir railway romance of our time and our subject, its central fipirc, the "S])hinx" and "Man of Mystery" because of the very unusual and unicjue manner of its financing and building, involving many millions of dollars, without the identity of Mr. Strnhorn's financial backers becoming known. The war m.adc uj>on him by rival railway in- terest.s- and otli<rs bent upon unmasking and defeating him has been :\ sensation of large magnitude in tin I'aeirie iiortli west, .iiid prolvably more tli;iii aiiv otlier of Mr. Strahorn's undertakings has eiiipii.isi/.i-d iiis tine jioise, unfaltering |)iirsiiit of an undertaking once decided upon and bis undying devotion to any trust iiii)>osed in liiiii, .'IS Well as Ills modesty in success. I..ite in tlie \car liMO. win ii tin' larger matters desired had been accomplished, this ban of secrecy was ninoved .ind it develojied that Mr. .Strahorn li.id been the confidential agent of .Mr. Ilarri- nian from the first .iiid tin North Co.ist H.iilroad t nterprise wa.s consolidated with other H.'irrim.in lines in the northwest under the n.imc of the Oregon-\\';ishington Railroad & Navigation Company, and Mr. Str.ahorn made vice-president of the larger corporation.

In order to ajipreciatc some of the accomplishments of this gn-.at railroad builder be it stated that several hundred miles of ro.id siir\-ey( d .ind in )).irt constructed have been paid for. to the extent of sixcral iiiillioii dolLirs. hv the prrsnii.il elii ek of .Mr. Strahorn. A thousand miles of surveyed lines, a hundred miles completed in tin- Yakima valley, trains ojierating on (lortions of ro.id, .ire .1 few of the things that li.i\c been ;iecoiiiplishe(l in an ineredilily short time .-iiid in the face of trriiieiid- ous odds and ojiposition. There has been built one bridge two tlious.uid nine hun- dred feet long s|)aiining the Columbi.a ; .inothcr over the ."snake will be four tlwui- s.ind .ind seM-nty feet long and two hundred and seventy-five feet high, probably the highest over any large river in the L'nited .States, and this bridge will li.ive ten million pounds of steel used in its construction. Mr. Str.ihorn will erect in the city of Spokane alone one bridge one hundred .ind sixty-fivi- feet high and three thousand feet long; .another one hundred and seventy-five feet high .ind oiu- thou- s;md fi-et long, and both to be marvelous engineering feats.

.More recently these interests have organized the West Coast Railway designed to do important construction .across the Cascade mount.-iins, with Mr. Str.ahorn as president, .and also the Yakima V.allev Tr.insport.ition Company, which is build- ing ini)iorl.iMt ele<'lrie railw;i\- lines under his (iirrelion. Among liis iii.iny inipurl.iiit |)erson;il enterprises are the Northwest Light & W'.ater Conijiany. owning w.iter- |)ower, electric lighting .and w.iterworks jilants in various cities of Oregon. W'.ishing- ton .-iiid Idaho; the ^'akiini \'.allev Power (dnip.iiiy. which has built t lectric trims- mission lines one iiundred .and ten miles in length, conneetiiig up .ind furnishing electric power to all the cities of the Yakim.a v.alley .-md Pasco; .and the Pasco Reclamation Company, which is irrigating .md ollnrwise developing large areas of orch.ird l.mds surrounding the city of P.isco. Hesiiies fin.ancing .and being presi- dent .and m.aii.ager of these .and other companies. .Mr. Str.ahorn has found time to engage in m.inv other .icti\ities in connection with ( umiuercial oi'g.ini/,;itions through- out the northwest.

On the lyth of September, 1877, -Mr. Str.ihorn w;is married to .Miss Carrie


Adell Green, a daugliter of Dr. J. W. Green, of Marengo, Illinois, whose social graces and literary attainments (the latter best evidenced b}- her authorship of the popular volume "Fifteen thousand miles by stage") are eloquent testimonials to the credit her husband so freely accords her for a large measure of his success.

Mr. Strahorn is a valued member of several social organizations, including the Spokane Club, Spokane Athletic Club, the Inland Club and the Spokane Country Club, and for several years he has been a trustee of the Spokane Chamber of Com- merce, cooperating in all of its practical plans for the development of the city. His genial nature, ever-ready helpfulness and philanthropy have given him a large place in the hearts of his fellow citizens. !Mr. Strahorn is a man of well balanced capacities and powers, without any of that genius which is liable to produce erratic movements resulting in unwarranted risk and failure. He is eminently a man of business sense, of well balanced mind, even temper and conservative habits, and possesses that kind of enterprise that leads to great accomplishments and benefits others more than himself.


Carrie Adell (Green) Strahorn. wife of Robert E. Straliorn, of Spokane, is a native of Marengo, McHenry county, Illinois, being the second daughter of Dr. John W. and Louise Babcock Green. Her parents were pioneers of northern Illi- nois, her father having removed in 1846 from Greenfield, Ohio, of which place Dr. Green's parents were founders. These grandjiarents of Mrs. Strahorn, on her father's side, were descendants of prominent patriots of like name of the Revolu- tionary war. Her mother, who died in ^Marengo in 1899, was a native of Lavonia Center, New York, and was a descendant of Aaron Burr. Dr. John W. Green, ]\Irs. Strahom's father, who died in Chicago in 1893, was for fifty 3-ears one of the most noted surgeons of the Mississippi valley. He was the first surgeon to admin- ister an anesthetic west of Chicago. He served with great distinction during tlie war of the Rebellion, first as regimental surgeon of the Ninety-fifth Illinois, and later as brigade and finally as division surgeon with General Grant in the Army of the Tennessee. ^Irs. Green accompanied her husband throughout the famous Red river campaign, sharing every danger of field and hospital.

Carrie Adell Green had the advantage of the public schools of Marengo, supple- mented by a liberal education in the higher branches at Ann Arbor. Developing an ardent love for music, she studied to good purpose under some of the foremost American and European vocal masters, and thus, when wedded to Robert E. Stra- horn, at Marengo, September 19, 1877, she possessed to an unusual degree the graces and refinements and all the wholesome attributes and practical helpfulness of the sensibh' reared young womanhood of those days.

It is not too much to say that Carrie Adell Strahorn has well maintained the lofty traditions of the sturdy, heroic stock of pioneers, patriots and state builders of her ancestry. A superb, home-loving, womanly woman always, yet she has had so much to do with the development of the frontier that her public life and ac-




coiuijlislinunts have been tlie iiisi)ir.iti(>ii and pride of many communities in the Rocky .Mountain and Pacific coast states. It has been well said of her that she has "motlicred tlie west. "

Inimediatelv after her marria^je in 1877 slic set out with lur Inishand on tlie often dangerous and romantic, and always toilsome career (in a field covering nearly half our continent) the brighter aspects of which are so vividly ix)rtraycd in her famous book '■Fifteen Thousand .Miles by Stage," which was jiubiished in 1911 by G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Proliaiilv no other woman has so thoroughly ex))orienecd every )ihase of far west cx|)lor;ition and genuine pioneering. This, covering a period of thirty-four years while the west has been in the making, has gone through all gradations from the wildi-rness haunts of the hostile savage along through the rudest camps of the miner and cowbov to zealous, ])ractical partieii)ation in colonization, and town and city building in many waste i>laees, often f.ir in advance of the railways. Tliis work was particularly noticeable and effective from 1877 to 1880 in Nebraska, Colorado and ^^'yonling, and from 1880 to 1890 in Utaii, Montana, Idaho and Washington. From 1890 to 1898, while Mr. Strahorn transferred his activities largely to New England, .Mrs. .Strahorn pursued her nnisical and literary studies in Boston. Dur- ing tliis period however, the .Straliorn's spent a |>ortion of each year in Spokane and vicinity, or elsewhere in the Rocky Mountains. .Since 1898. win n they located per- manently in Spokane, Mrs. Strahorn lias been everything in the life and growth of the city and state that might be expected from one so fully equipiicd and so ardently in love with the Pacific fpast country and its institutions.

Heing a frequent contributor to the coliHuns of various eastern ))ub]ieations dur- ing all these years, she has made the most of many opportunities to faithfully jjor- tray the leading characteristics of far, wast Hfe and development, never failing to award due praise to the heroic M'oirk-of tlio' jjionee'rs, as well as to enthusiastically strive for wider recognition of the merits of western resources and institutions, and our climatic, scenic and other attractions.

The camp or home of the .Strahorns lias always been ;i landmark of hospitality and a rallying point for the creation and nourishing of jmblic spirit and the strenu- ous promotion of every good cause. Not a few of the far west's foremost men in business, ]irofessional and (lolitieal life, join her noted husband in gratefully ascrib- ing much of their success to Mrs. Straliorn's untiring encour.igemeiit and general helpfulness in hir home, social and public activities at the period in their lives when such helj) meant everything to them. .She has also accomiilislii-d much in church building and in the founding and sup)V)rt of educational and eharitable institutions. Notwithstanding the success, financially and otherwise, of Mr. .Strahorn, and her )5rominent place and hearty ]>artiei))ation in the social life of .S])okane, Mrs. Stra- horn has not relaxed in lur devotion to these more useful and serious things and is still actively engaged in liter.iry jjursuits.


Edward Franklin Waggoner is the iiresidiiit of the L'nion Fuel & Ice Coiniiany of Spokane, with offices at 107 S))rague avenue. He was born in Lostant, Illinois, February, 15, 1870, and acquired his early education in the public schools there,


while spending liis yoiitliful days in the liome of liis parents, John G. and Sarah E. (Cox) Waggoner. He was afterward sent to Eureka College at Eureka, Illi- nois, and when he had put aside his text-books he became a clerk in a store there. The next step in his business career brought him into close connection with the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company as traveling salesman and collector, in which capacity he traveled for them in Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky. He dis- played notable ability in all branches of the harvesting machinery business, thereby winning the position of general agent and manager of the company's business in AVashington. Oregon, Idaho, Montana and a part of Wyoming. In 1903 the Inter- national Harvester Company was formed, taking over the ^IcCormick Harvesting Machine Company and Mr. Waggoner was continued in charge of the business until October 15. 1906, when he resigned to enter upon an independent business venture, organizing the Union Fuel & Ice Company, of which he has since been president. The company was established as a wholesale and retail business. The business has grown steadily and substantially since its inception and is now one of the important and prosperous commercial undertakings of Spokane, doing a business of nearly a half million dollars in 1911.

Mr. Waggoner is also trustee and secretary of the Masonic Temple Association and it was he who as the master of Spokane Lodge No. 34., F. & A. M., conceived the project of erecting a Masonic Temple in Spokane and assisted in the forma- tion of the association which erected the temple. He acted as secretary of the board of trustees and as chairman of its finance committee from the outset until the tem|3le was completed, and his work in this connection has received warm com- mendation. The association was formed in 1901 ; ground for the temple was broken by President Roosevelt on the 26th day of May, 1903; the corner stone was laid October 6. 1904.; and the building was dedicated June 14, 1906. Mr. Waggoner is one of the best known and most prominent Masons of the state, tak- ing an active part in the work of the order and ever upholding the high standard which has been maintained by this fraternity. He belongs to and is past master of Spokane Lodge, No. 34, F. & A. M.; is a member and past high priest of Spo- kane Chapter, No. 2, R. A. M.; and belongs to Spokane Council, No. 4, R. & S. M.; Cataract Commandery, No. 3, K. T. ; Oriental Consistory, No. 2, S. P. R. S.; and El Katif Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He has been awarded high honors in the order and was grand master of the state of Washington in 1906-7. He likewise belongs to Spokane Lodge, No. 228, B. P. O. E.; Samaritan Lodge, No. 52, I. O. O. F.; Spokane Council, No. 92, United Commercial Travelers; and is a Woodman of tlie World.

In addition to his other business interests he is a director and a member of the executive committee of the International Casualty Company and also a director in the Western Soap Company, one of Spokane's largest manufacturing institutions. He is now serving for the second term as a trustee of the Chamber of Commerce and has cooperated readily and effectively in its measures and plans for promoting public progress. His political allegiance is given to the Republican party and he takes an active and helpful interest in its work, yet would never consent to be- come a candidate for office. He wields an influence which is all the stronger, per- haps, because it is moral rather than political, and is exercised for the public weal rather than for personal ends.

On the 16th of February, 1898. Mr. Waggoner was married, in Chicago, to


Miss NcIIif Mc'KihIxii. a daiiglitiT of Ciptnin .1. M. and Marparct McKiblit-ii, of Sliilliyvilli-. Illinois. Tlicy have two iliildrtn. Edward F.; Jr., and Marpirct. In tlic social circles of Spokane tlicy arc well known and the Iiospitality of the best homes is cordially extended tlicni. His business interests have brought him a wide acquaintance in the northwest and through Masonry he has become even mori' widely known, standing as a ))r(iiiiiiii iit representative of that ordir which has ever inculcated principles of high .nid honorable maidiood and promoted good citizenship.


S. A. Stanfield is one of the widely known residents of Lincoln county, who has been more or less actively identified with the agricultural and business interests of Odessa for more tlian twenty years. He was born in Umatilla comity, Oregon, on February 10. I8C<), and is a son of Robert N. and Phoebe (.\twood) Stanfield. natives of Illinois. In the early '50s they crossed the ))lains to Cilifornia. whence tiny l.iti r nuioved to Oregon, settling in Liiiatill.i eotiiitv wlim- the father liled on some government land and engaged in agricultural pursuits.

The early years of S. A. .St;infield did not differ save in details from those of other lads re.ari-d on ranches on tlie frontier at that ]>eriod. He atli iidid the public schools in the acquirement of an education until he was eighteen years of age, and when not engaged with his studies assisted his father with the operation of the ranch. By the time In- h.id att.iined his ni.iturity he w.is thoroughly familiar with the practical methods of tilling the fields aiul caring for the stock. In 1887, he en- gaged in stock raising for three years, meeting with very good success. At the expiration of that period, in 1890, he came to Lincoln county and filed on a home- stead near Odessa, and for fourteen years devoted his entire time and energy to the cultivation and im|)rovement of this place. As he is a man of ))r;ictical ideas who intelligently directs his efforts toward the accomplishment of a definite ))ur- posi-. he ))r()sj)ered in his undertakings. He brought his land into a high state of productivity and erected good substantial l)arns and outbuildings as well as a com- fort.ible residence on his r.ineh, nuiking it one of the attractive and valuable prop- erties of that section. In 1901- he disposed of it and withdrawing from agricultural pursuits removed to Odessa. Here he establislii-d a meat m.irk< t that he con- ducted with very good success for two years, and then disjiosed of it. .\fter selling his business hi' went to Orant county. U'.isliington, .md bought a section of l.iiid that 111- eultiv.ited for about :\ year. Renting this pro])erty in li)07. he p.issed the following two years in and .ibout Spokane, subsequently returning to Odessa. In 1909 he again took ])osscssion of the meat market he had jireviously establisheil, but only conducted it for a brief jieriod, closing out the business in 1910. Prior to this he had ae(|uin-d a fini- tract of Land adjacent to Odessa upon which he lo- cated and here he has ever since residid. His land is all under cultivation and is well adapted to the raising of fruits and alfalfa in which hi- is s|)ecializing with very good results. Mr. Stanfield has jirospered in his undertakings and is the owner of some very fine land, that is constantly increasing in value. He sold his section of land in Grant county. Washington, .-is the cultivation of the ranch on which he is living brings him an income that is more than sufficii-nt for the needs of himself and family. In addition in these jiroperties he has a nice residence in Odessa and is a stockholder and director of the Odessa Mercantih- Company.


Umatilla count}' was the scene of Mr. Stanfield's marriage on December 22, 1889, to Miss Emma B. Boardman, a daughter of Robert Boardmaii of Illinois, and they have become the parents of one son, Lloj'd, whose natal day was in April, 1891.

Mr. Stanfield has attained the rank of a Royal Arch Mason and is affiliated with the lodge at Davenport. Politically he is a democrat, but has never been officially identified with local governmental affairs. He is an excellent representa- tive of the unassuming, enterprising citizens who form the strength of a community and measure its jjossibilities and resourcefulness.


Richard Ashton Hutchinson is well known in Spokane through the real-estate business which he has conducted, but is perhaps more widely known throughout the state as tlie senator from the Spokane district. He has been almost continu- ously in office since 1882 when, at the first election held in Spokane county, he was chosen assessor. Consecutive progress has brought Iiim to a position of prominence and individual ability has made him a leader in public thought and action.

^Nlr. Hutchinson was born in Grand Gulf, Mississippi, February 11, 1853, a son of William Dean and Margaret (Murray) Hutchinson. The father, who was born in Kentucky in 1798, was a cousin of Andrew Jackson, whose mother be- longed to the Hutchinson family. In 1836 William Dean Hutchinson removed from Kentucky to Illinois and afterward went to Havana, Cuba, where he was engaged in business until the outbreak of the Mexican war, when he returned to the United States and volunteered for service with the Mississippi troops. He also went to California in 1819 with the argonauts in search of the golden fleece, but after a brief period spent on the coast returned to Mississippi. His opposi- tion to slavery caused him to join John Brown in his famous campaign in Kansas and during the Civil war he served as guide on General Sigel's staff in Missouri but became disabled and left the armj'. In the winter of 1862 he went to Colorado but returned to Kansas and was the builder of the first house in Hays City, that state. He became a resident of eastern Washington, and he and his sons became the first settlers in what is now Mondovi, Lincoln countj^ where his death occurred on the 8th of November, 1881. There have been few men whose lives have been more closely connected with a greater number of events of national importance than William Dean Hutchinson. Enterprising in spirit, fearless in action, he was the champion of his country's interest in the Mexican war, the friend of the op- pressed when slavery marred the fair name of the nation and he met with valorous spirit the hardships and privation incident to pioneer life in California and Wash- ington. His wife was of Irish and Scotch descent. Her father was a lieutenant in the Scotch Grays of the British army during the Napoleonic wars and fought under Wellington througliout the Peninsular campaign and at Waterloo.

Richard Ashton Hutchinson was with his father in Missouri in 1857 when a lad of four years and afterward in Colorado and Kansas. While in the former state he served as a page in the legislature and also worked for a time in the Denver mint. During his residence in Kansas he was for seven years engaged in











driving c.ittlt- and in conducting a store as well as in fighting Indians, for tlic set- tlers had to contest their riglit to the territory against the red men. In 187'2 with the others of the f.iniiiy he became a jnoneer of (Jiiillayiite county on tile P;icific coast wlicre he improved and developed land. .Mioul tli.it time his fatlur met with reverses and the sujiport of the family fell upon Kiehard .V. Ilutiliinson. then twentv-two years of .'ige. I'rom 187.'i until 187!) he worked in the eo.il mines .it Newcastle. King county, but while there became cripjjled and also lost iiis health. On the 1st of May, 1879. he started on foot for eastern Washington with bis younger brother William Hutchinson. They arrived at .Spokane on the -JOth day of Mav. finding lure a h.imlet of fifty people. The brothers took up land thirty- five miles west of the city which they developed and cultivated, transforming it into a valuable tract which they still own. Almost from the beginning of his residence in .Siiokane county Mr. Hutchinson has been prominent .-is .i f.-ietor in its public life. .At its first election held in 188'2 the district, then eomiirising tiie present counties of S])okane, Lincoln, Adams. Douglas .ind I'ranklin, he w;is elected assessor. In 188.S the division of the county was changed so that his l)roperty was beyond the borders of Spokane county and as he wished to be with his father he resigned his office but was elected assessor of Lincoln county. In June 188(>. he grubstaked the halfbreeds who discovered the mines at Ruby camp. Okanog.-in county when the reservation was first opened. He has always been interested there and still retains a working property in that district. \\'hen .Iosel)h's band of Nez Perce Indians were brought to .S))okane in 18H(> he received them as prisoners of war and took them to the Nespelem valley on the C'olville reservations where he lived with them until .Inly. 1 889. teaching them farming. During the first year and a half Mr. Hutcliin.son and his wife were the only white residents with those Indians, his nearest neighbor being ;i horseman fifteen miles distant, on the south side of the Columbia river.

Erom time to time Mr. Hutchinson was called to i)ublic office ,ind has done not a little in shaping the policy of the country during its formative period. In 1890 he had charge of the United States census in Lincoln county and was elected a member of the house of rejiresentatives for the fifteenth district. In 189'^ he was chosen senator from Okanogan and Lincoln counties representing the first district, .and thus be was actively concerned with framing the laws of the state, giving c.ireful consitiiration to every ini])ortant question wliieh eame u)) for set- tli nient.

Reverses overtook Mr. Hutchinson in 189.S. for during the |);inic of that ye.-ir he lost all of his ))roperty and was in debt fifteen thousand dollars, but with resolute spirit he looked to the future to retrieve his losses and in 189") came to .Spokane, where with a borrowed capit.al of five hundred doU.ars he embarked in the real-estate business. Such was the sound judgment that he displayed in his |)urchases and sales of property that within a short time he was able to regain possession of his old home in Lincoln county and discharge all of his indebted- ness, .'since that time he has continued not only to engage in the real-estate busi- ness but also in mining and he is one of the most exti-nsive individual wheat rais- ers in the state, having over ten thousand acres in Lincoln. Adams, Douglas and Spokane counties. His mining interests are in the tdeur d'Alenes, Hritish Colum- bia .and in Ok.anogan and ."Stevens counties. Recognizing the possibilities for the country especi.illy when w.-iter e.-m be secured to .lid in its development, .Mr.


Hutchinson became the promoter of the Oiiportunity irrijration district east of Spokane. The National Country Life Commission, apjjointed by President Roose- velt, said of Opjjortunity : "It is the most ideal jjlace for Rural Homes that we have seen." Since disposing of his interest in Opportunity Mr. Hutchinson has been actively engaged in real-estate dealing in Spokane, especially handling that district of the city known as the Hutchinson addition. His fitness for office as in- dicated by his public-spirited citizenshi]) and his devotion to all that works for the welfare of the locality and the commonwealth led to his election in 190() to the house of representatives from Spokane county and in 1908 he was elected from the fourth district to the state senate, wherein his term of office will continue until 191:2. Senator Hutchinson has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Amelia .Johnson, a native of Washington. They were married in 1883. Three children were born to bless this union: ^Margaret Elizabeth, wife of J. B. Hayes; Ida A.; and William Dean. Mrs. Hutchinson died April 10. 1893. On the 9th of Feb- ruary. 1895 he was united in marriage to Marguerite Wright, a native of \'irginia and a daughter of Weitzel A. and Sarah Ann (Taylor) Wright. Mrs. Hutchinson taught the first school in Wenatchee in 188a. being then only sixteen years of age. Three children were born of this union. Marita. Rachael and Richard Ashton. Jr. The parents are members of the Episcopal church and are interested in all those features which contribute to the material, intellectual, social and moral welfare of the community. The life record of Mr. Hutchinson if written in detail would present many thrilling and unusual chapters because of his life on the frontier and his experience with the red men. as well as his efforts to attain advancement in a business way. efforts that have ultimately been crowned with a substantial meas- ure of success.


F. R. Jansen. manager of the Odessa Union ^\'arehouse Company, has been identified with the business interests of Odessa for the past five years. He is a native of Iowa, his birth having occurred at Avoca on the 16th of March. 1881, and a son of Henry and Caroline Kuhl. The parents were both born and reared in Germany, whence they emigrated to Iowa, where for many years the father engaged in farming. In 1889. they removed to Washington, settling in Lind, Adams county, and there the father continued his agricultural pursuits.

As he was a lad of eight years when his people removed to Washington, the education of F. R. Jansen was begun in the schools of his native county and con- tinued in those of Adams county. He subsequently pursued a commercial course for two years in Walla Walla, thus better qualifying himself for the practical duties of life. At the expiration of that time he came to Lincoln county, settling in Krupp, where he began his business career as a grain buyer. He remained there for three years following this occupation, and during that time he discharged his duties with such efficiency and capability that he attracted the attention of various local grain men, and in 1907 he was offered the position of manager of the Odessa Union Warehouse Company, with headquarters at Odessa. This com- pany is operating five warehouses in this vicinity, all of which are under the charge


and supervision of Mr. Jaiisen, whose services have proven in every way <(mal to the expeetations of his employers, as is manifested by the l)eriod of his eonneetion with the company.

At Lind, this state, on tlie SOtli of May, 1906. Mr. .lanscn was united in mar- riage to Miss Gertrude Baumgard, a daughter of August Baumgard, a promiiu-nt pioneer raneliman of Adams county.

Mr. Jansen is a trustee of the Presbyterian church, in whieli his wife also holds membership, and in liis political views he is a socialist, believing that the principles of this party arc best adapted to subserve the highest interests of the majority. He is one of the younger members of the local business circles, where he is held in high esteem and is recognized as a very capable young man, whose enterprising and progressive ideas give every assurance of his success.


Joseph E. Horton. who has been actively engaged in the real-estate business in Spokane for the past eight years with offices located in the Lindelle building, was born in Dubuque county, Iowa, in September, 18;)1. His j)arents are George \\ . .iiitl Klizabcth (Byrne) Horton, formerly farming people of Iowa, whence they later removed to Minnesota, but they are now residents of California, having lo- c.ited tliere in 1910. The father has long outlived the Psalmist's allotment of years, having passed the ninety-fifth aniii\ersary of his birth, whih' the iiiother is now seventy-six years of age.

The |)reliminary education of .Joseph E. Horton was obtained in the ]iul)lie schools of Minnesota, in which state he was reared, this being supplemented later l)y :i course in the .State University at Minneapolis, where he received the degree of B. I,, in 1880. Three years later he located in .South Dakoti. becoming a resi- dent of Campbell county, where in 1883 he was appointed to the office of probate judge and was elected to sanu- office in 1881. He served in this capacity until I88(i when he was elected register of deeds and ex-offieio county clerk for a term of four years, and in ISOl and ] 89ii he was state senator on the democratic ticket from C.-mipbell .iiid Walworth counties. Two years later, in ISgi. Mr. Horton w.is appointed Indian |)ost trader at the Cheyenne river agency, .South Dakota, continuing to fidfil the duties of this position until 1899. The following ye.ir he organized the Bank of Linton, North Dakota, of which he was i)resident for three years, during that timi' develo])ing it into one of the conservative .and firmly es- tablished financial institutions of the county. In 1903. Mr. Horton dis|)osed of all of his interests in North Dakota and came t<> .Spokane, where he has ever since engaged in buying and selling real estate on his own account. Possessing much sagacity and foresight, he has made a success of this undertaking, as he possesses tile intuitive f.aeulty of recognizing an ojiportunity not discernible to the average individual and utilizes it to his own advantage. .Since locating here, .Mr. Horton has lidti eorini<t((l witli a nunilier of important real-estate transfers, and is the owiur of some \alu.il)le pro|)erty. He built and still owns the city market, located at the corner of Second avenue and .Stevens street, which covers twenty-five thou- sand feet of floor space and contains twiiity-four stalls.


On the ith of August, 1894., Mr. Horton was united in marriage to Miss Minerva A. Eckert, a daughter of Henry and Caroline Eckert. of Tumwater. Washington, and they have become the parents of four children: Erwin, who was born in 189.5; Josephine, whose natal year was 1897; Doris, who celebrated her ninth anniversary in 1911; and Jack, whose birth occurred in 1907. The family home is located at 12108 Altamont boulevard, this city, where Mr. Horton owns a beautiful residence.

Mr. Horton votes the democratic ticket, but he has had neither the time nor inclination to prominently participate in governmental affairs since locating in Spo- kane, and his fraternal relations are confined to his membership in the Masonic order. He is intensely loyal to the state of his adoption and feels that the develop- ment of Washington, industrially, commercially and agriculturally during the next few years will exceed by far that of the past decade, as its wonderful natural re- sources are just beginning to be realized.


Joseph Kriegler, who is actively engaged in the real-estate, insurance and loan business in Odessa is one of the town's most i)ublic-spirited and enterprising citi- zens. He was born in Bohemia on the 18th of February. 1866, and there he was likewise educated and reared to the age of nineteen years. As he was a most ambitious j'outh he longed to make more rapid })rogress in the business world than was possible in his native land with its conservative methods and system, and he decided to come to America, feeling convinced that he would here find the op- portunities he was seeking. Upon his arrival in this country in 188.5, he first located in Waterville, Minnesota, where for eighteen months he followed agri- cultural pursuits. During that period he became quite familiar with the language and customs of the country, thus qualifying himself to become identified with com- mercial activities. He, therefore, witlidrew from farming and went to Castleton, North Dakota, where he engaged in the general mercantile business for two years. At the end of that time he returned to Minnesota, and for eighteen months followed the same business at Wadina, that state. Five years had elapsed since he first came to the United States and a longing to see his boyhood home proved too strong to be resisted and in 1891. he returned to Europe. He spent four months amid the scenes of his native land, and then came back to America, locating in Everest, North Dakota. For a short time thereafter he clerked in a general mercantile store, that he subsequently purchased and conducted with excellent success for ten years. Soon after he bought this establishment he ojjened a branch store at Castleton, where he had previously been in business, and tliis also proved to be a very successful undertaking. In 1901, he disposed of both places and came to Washington, settling in Odessa, and here he has ever since resided. When he first came here Mr. Kriegler engaged in business with his brother E. J. Kriegler for several years, but later he sold his interest to his brother and went into the lumber business. He applied himself energeticall}' and intelligently to the devel- opment of this enterprise, which he operated under the name of the Joseph Kriegler Lumber Comjjany until 1908, when he sold it and withdrawing from commercial activities engaged in the real-estate, insurance and loan business. Mr. Kriegler


is an alert, wide-awake, enterprising business man. who (luickly recognizes op- portunities not discernible to a man of less perspicacity and utilizes tbchi to his advantage. He has iirosjiered in a most gratifying manner since locating here, and has acquired not only some fine town property but twenty-five hundred acres of excellent wheat land that he is leasing.